Jalenah D.

Jalenah D.

Florida, USA

Tell us about yourself.

 I'm Jalenah, I'm 17 years old and was raised in Florida. I love experiencing different forms of art, either through music, movies, or modeling. I'm most myself when around the ones I love. Traveling or experiencing new adventures is something I strive to do and I will stand up for what I believe in constantly.

What is your biggest dream?

 I hope that in the future I will become an successful actress or influential model, I've always had a certain fascination with movies and the idea of playing an entire new character. I would mainly love to have a platform where I can speak to and with my generation to have a voice for those who don't. I feel as thought I usually have a lot to say and having a way to express myself would mean the world.

What does it mean to be your own kind of beautiful? 

Nowadays everybody wants to look the same. We are so programmed to think that we are supposed to look a certain way which is just sad. Being your own beautiful means to accept and welcome your own beauty, while acknowledging that even though it might be different than others, it doesn't make it any less worthy.

Tell us about your modeling experience.

 As a beginner, I have not had much modeling experience, other than a few photo shoots with local photographers and a 2 modeling competitions, along with an upcoming fashion show this month.

What is your dream brand to model for?

 I would love to model for Nike or a curly hair brand like Cantu or Shea moisture!

How would you describe your fashion style? 

Varying, I have different ways to express myself so it ranges from classy to urban to casual.

How important is self-awareness and confidence to you in your everyday life? 

I'm still learning each day how to completely love every part of myself, alike most people. But self-awareness is something that I feel is significant to how you treat and view yourself. You have to be confident in yourself because only you can determine your own potential. It's all baby steps.

What makes you beautiful?

I would say that my humor, big heart and the way I carry myself makes me beautiful. 

What would you say to another girl/guy your age who is struggling with their confidence?

It's going to take time, and that's okay. You have to realize that life isn't a competition, and as corny as it sounds, life is way too short to be thinking about how you don't look a certain way. You have to love yourself man, you have to get to know yourself, understand you're not perfect and love yourself BECAUSE you're not perfect, as weird as that sounds.

SoutheastKristi JFlorida