Hannah Noelle Models

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Peyton N.

Peyton N.

Tell us about yourself: 

I’m a 16-year-old ex- competitive gymnast living in Florida, born in New York. I’m a junior in High School currently working at Steak and Shake as a waitress.

Biggest dream:

To be happy and healthy and live the best life I possibly can. Always be positive and always live in the moment. 

Being my own kind of beautiful:

It’s simple, always be confident in your own skin & love yourself.

Previous modeling experience:

I’ve been in three magazines over the last couple of years modeling back to school clothes. I got a full page modeling with my surfboard and surf wear last summer, and I even made it to the cover of a parenting magazine three years ago. 

My dream brand to model:

Wow that’s a very hard question! I would probably have to say Fashion Nova because it’s affordable and high-quality. I would also love to model True Religion clothing as well. 

How would I describe my fashion style:

I like wearing feminine but bold styles.

Self-awareness and confidence:

If you don’t believe in yourself nobody  else will. I like knowing that I’m confident with who I am. 

What makes me beautiful:

My personality! I’m a very positive person and I’ve got a great sense of humor and a contagious laugh. I love to laugh and love to make others laugh as well. 

What would I say to others that are struggling with confidence:

Surround yourself with people that make you forget your struggles. You’re only a teen once so don’t stress and enjoy the ride