Hannah Noelle Models

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Autumn N.

Tell us about yourself.

Hi there! My name is Autumn and I am a 17 year old high school junior residing in Michigan. I am proud to say that I am an honors student and a pitcher and 3rd baseman on the Varsity Softball Team. In addition to continuing to pursue modeling and acting opportunities, I plan to study nursing beyond HS Graduation.

What is your biggest dream?

I dream about leaving a legacy behind. A legacy that people respect and encourage others to emulate. One that breeds positivity and good will and that won’t be forgotten. With that said, my life will have had meaning and purpose……and that is a life that was worth living!

What does it mean to be your own kind of beautiful?

Being true to oneself is my kind of beautiful and one that I encourage to others to embrace. I dare to be different and I gain more respect from others for this decision.

Tell us about your modeling experience.

 I am new to the modeling industry, just recently signing on with Hannah Noelle as well as another agency out of Chicago. I believe that a picture speaks a thousand words and modeling gives me the opportunity for expression and sending messages that will help brands get the exposure they are seeking. I am super excited about what the future holds for me!

What is your dream brand to model for? 

As an athlete with goals of fitness modeling, my dream brand to model for would be Nike!

How would you describe your fashion style?

My fashion sense changes with my mood! Many days, I am a country girl wearing cowboy boots and plaid shirts. On some days, I dress in my athletic wear as if I am heading to workout at the gym. Other days, you will see me in stylish threads as if I am heading to go shopping in the big city!

How important is self-awareness and confidence to you in your everyday life?

It's normal for everyone to have days when they are unsure of themself and/or lack confidence. As a teen, these days can be plentiful. I know this because that was me. I have learned that I have to be aware the moment I wake up in the morning of how I am feeling. If I feel less than stellar, I use positive self talk to pump up my mood and increase my positivity so that I have a terrific day!

What makes you beautiful?

I choose to be kind and empathetic. I will always consider the feelings of others and seek opportunities to be there for them when needed. I believe this to be a beautiful quality in others and one that I possess.

What would you say to another girl your age who is struggling with their confidence?

For anyone struggling with confidence, I would encourage them to consider counseling. Being able to talk to someone openly about feelings of inadequacy can be difficult. I know, because I attend a counseling session weekly. Seeing a counselor doesn’t make one “crazy”, “weird” or “week”. Seeking counseling shows great courage, strength and self-love. It can help provide people with an outlet and tools necessary to cope in high anxiety situations. This can lead to one feeling more confident in themselves and the decisions they choose to make in life.