Hannah Noelle Models

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Aurélie P.

Tell us about yourself.

My name is Aurélie Ngandu Poncin. I am mixed, born in Belgium and grew up in Africa the DRCongo. I am now living in Los Angeles pursuing my dream of modeling.

What is your biggest dream?

My biggest dream(s) are to appear in front cover of a magazine, to be able to do a runway for a famous designer and also build my own orphanages in the world.

What does it mean to be your own kind of beautiful?

To be my own kind of beautiful for me it means to be myself and humble. To not try being someone else or superior than someone else but just embrace what I was given physically and intellectually and offer to people what I can give.

Tell us about your modeling experience.

I started modeling when I was 14 years old, mostly with photoshoots but also teen runways. Few years after, I started with the agency Elite but then stopped really quick because my parents thought I was too much into modeling but not into school. Which education is really important for my parents. So I stopped doing it and focused on school. I was still doing some little photoshoots and runway, especially when my mother opened her own make up academy in France I was her main model. After graduating high school, I went to South Africa where I signed with an agency “Model Company”. My dream as a little girl was always America so after that I decided to move to Los Angeles. When I arrived I was 18 years old. I never signed with an agency until Hannah Noelle Models. I was into modeling gigs, photographers who needed pictures, runways, fashion shows, charity runways but also beauty pageant. I am I am still practicing modeling and still looking to grow in that field.

What is your dream brand to model for?

My dream brand(s) to model for are Off White, Louis Vuitton and Chanel.

How would you describe your fashion style?

I do not have one style in particular that I like I mostly change styles. But the one style that I always stick with is "tom boy-ish" style. Large jeans with crop top and sneakers. I like when it is simple but stylish at the same time.

How important is self-awareness and confidence to you in your everyday life?

Self awareness and especially confidence are very important in my everyday life. I grew up being bullied, being a mixed child, people tend not to see two colors. Its either they considered me white or black therefore, racism was something that really affected me. At that time, I did not have any confidence or self-awareness. For me I was less important than other people, I felt low. Growing up and moving countries to countries I understood the potential and blessing that I have. I started to embrace it and owning it which brought me here. Without self-awareness and confidence I will not be the strong person I am today.

What makes you beautiful?

I believe my smile. My smile is my remedy. I am always smiling, bringing joy and positive energy. Coming from two different cultures is a blessing and I believe makes me beautiful too. My height makes me beautiful I love the fact that I am tall. It is also like I said previously it is not only physically but also the personality and I believe that my generous side, giving to people, helping people and kids makes me beautiful.

What would you say to another girl your age who is struggling with their confidence?

I would say to that girl that she needs to start believing in herself because if she does not do it herself first, no one is going to do it for her. I would give her a lot of advices what to do or not from what I experienced. I will even tell her to travel if she can because traveling is a way to breath to get away from the problems and discover new cultures but also it is a time to discover ourselves. Will remind her at what she is good and successful at but also tell her that in life people will try to bring you down because they actually know and see the potential you have and they want to stop it. The way to do it ? Bring your confidence to level 0. I feel like I will do more then talking. Since a young age I worked with orphan kids because of my mother orphanage in Africa. And the young girls over there who were struggling with their confidence I was always reminding them what they are good at and where they can grow successfully. So that them and no one can make them doubt about themselves.