Pavela T.
Pavela T.
Chicago, USA.
Tell us about yourself?
Hello! My name is Pavela. I’m 23 years old. Waist - 26’’, Hips - 38’’, Bust - 32’’. Height 5’4, Weight 103 Ibs. Blonde hair and dark brown roots, brown/hazel eye color. I’m an eastern European girl, born in Bulgaria but been living in Chicago last few years. I’ve experienced both educational systems - European and American but as of right now I work as a beauty advisor and makeup artist.
What is your biggest dream?
My biggest dream is to become an independent, happy and successful woman. I’d love to be an actress, model and maybe get a master’s degree in Psychology. I want to dedicate my life to helping others and building a happy uplifting environment rather than a judgmental society.
What does it mean to be your own kind of beautiful?
To be your own kind of beautiful means to choose what’s best for yourself. To wear whatever you want and carry urself the way you want and not be bothered by society norms and trends. To be able to create your own style and own it.
Tell us about your modeling experience:
I’ve started modeling a year and a half ago. It started like a hobby and been collaborating ever since. Friends kept telling me I should move forward and pursue modeling as a career but wasn’t ready to take the risk until now. Last October I did a fashion show back home ( Bulgaria ). Have some pictures and videos posted on Instagram.
What is your dream brand to model for?
My dream brand to model for is Burberry and Gucci. I know I’m aiming high but dreams are for free right?
How would you describe your fashion style?
I’d describe my fashion style as 50% elegant European lady and 50% hip hop diva lol. Depends on my mood I was unable to pick between elegant and so-called “hood” style so why not both?
How important is self-awareness and confidence to you in your everyday life?
One of the most important things is self-awareness and self-confidence. To be able to understand your own emotions and thoughts might be overwhelming but ultimately speaking up for yourself is great quality and advantage. I like real people, honest and open. I don’t value hypocrites. Self-confidence is extremely difficult to build and maintain and it takes years, especially others might try to bring you down. It happens a lot and I used to be extremely sad and take it personally but now I’ve realized weak people project their own insecurities and shame on them.
What makes you beautiful?
Personality, good heart, deep soul and some self-care make people beautiful.
What would you say to another girl/guy your age who is struggling with their confidence?
I would advise them to believe in themselves even when no one else does. I would tell them life is beautiful and they’re unique and incredible human beings and should work as a team, uplifting, understanding and respecting each other.