Hannah Noelle Models

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Samantha H.

Tell us about yourself

I am from the small town of Scobey, Montana. I have lived here my whole life. I am 19 years old. I have two siblings, one sister and one brother! Although I am related to most people in my hometown one way or another. 

What is your biggest dream?

My biggest dream is to make a difference in the world. If my name is going to be known, I want it to be known for being the change this world needs. The smallest act of kindness can make the biggest difference! 

What does it mean to be your own kind of beautiful? 

Being your own kind of beautiful can mean countless things. For me, I believe being your own kind of beautiful is living your life the way you want to live, regardless of what others say or believe. Do what makes you happy and don’t live to please others. 

Tell us about your modeling experience

I have been told almost my whole life that I should try modeling. Growing up, I’ve always had an interest in it! I have never done any serious modeling but I’ve done a couple shoots for fun, but I decided to take it seriously. 

What is your dream brand to model for? 

I would love to model for brands like Nike or Adidas. I own many of their items and love what their brand stands for. But if I could choose one brand to model for, I would love to be known as a Victoria’s secret model! 

How would you describe your fashion style? 

My style is different all the time! Some days my style is athletic and casual, others it is unique and dressy.

How important is self-awareness and confidence to you in your everyday life?

Being confident is very important to me. Knowing your worth and loving yourself should be a priority for yourself. 

What makes you beautiful?

I think what makes me beautiful is my ability to forgive everybody. I try to see the positive in every situation and I try not to judge people for their actions. I put myself in their shoes before I get mad at their behavior. Having a big heart is beautiful on everyone.

What would you say to another girl your age who is struggling with their confidence? 

Instead of pointing out your flaws, point out your favorite things about yourself. Compliment yourself everyday and only speak kindly of yourself. This is one of my favorite ways to boost my confidence.