Miami Swim Week Casting


Hello ladies! We are casting for a swimwear designer for Miami Swim Week this upcoming July.

Please review the details below before submitting:

  • Looking for models of all shapes and sizes.

  • Must send over a runway video or video of your walk, as well as 3 professional photos to

  • You must be wearing 4 inch heels, and form fitting clothing in your runway walk.

  • Travel will not be covered so this is a great show to walk in if you live near Miami or already have plans to be in Miami during Miami Fashion Week.

  • If you are already booked for Miami Fashion Week please include the names of the designers and times of shows that you are booked for so that we do not double book you.

To submit, email by 8pm Wednesday, April 10th with all of the requested materials and the subject: Miami Swim Week Submission

Hannah Noelle